Wednesday 21 January 2009

Third And Final Production Bible And Presentation Completed

I have finally finished the third and final production bible and the presentation which will be for Friday the 23rd of January 2009 at 10am. The hand in date for the three production bibles is also on the 23rd. I am hoping that I will get feedback on my production bibles as I have never done one before this assignment. There will be areas that I need to improve on and I would like to know which areas so that when I start my fourth production bible that will accompany my final film, it will be really good. It will be the production bible that I will show a future employer along with my final film. I enjoyed this semester and I learned so much. I am looking forward to the new semester and starting on a new project especially the Maya course. More than anything I would like to know what areas of my production bibles need improvement.

Saturday 17 January 2009

Second Production Bible Finished

I have finished the second production bible called "Meerkat Mysteries" about a private detective. I am also halfway through my third and last production bible. I know that my weakness is drawing on paper and I just can't seem to improve and I am disappointed that I can't draw. But I am able to draw so much better using programs like Flash and Toon Boom. These software packages allow various ways to manipulate your drawings making them look better. I did alot of research and found out that many animators who can't draw on paper very well do fine in these programs. Draw a rough sketch and scan it into the software and draw it better from there. I feel so much more comfortable drawing that way. The only let down for me in these storyboards would be my drawing skills. But I am glad that I completed the storyboard assignments and can hand them in confident that I did them to the best of my ability. In my final storyboard for my final film I will put an extra 1000% into it and spend every moment perfecting it and making it more professional. At least now I have gained the experience of making storyboards but I do know that I need to improve in order to make it look more professional. It will accompany my final film so it has to be perfect. I am also hoping that my mistakes and /or weaknesses will be pointed out to me so that I can improve and change, focussing on getting better.

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Production Bibles

I have finished the first production bible and I am nearly finished the second one. I found the second production bible very interesting and fun to make. I love detective novels especially the narrative side of it. It took me a very long time but I finally finished my script for my detective production bible. I wrote it over and over until I was satisfied with the story and the ending. The story is not supposed to be funny and even though it will eventually be animated for my final film it does have a great story and ending. I have decided to use this production bible in my final project and just expand on it. We have the choice after we have done the three bibles to choose one that we could add onto and make into our final production bible and two minute film. I have already sourced the voices for my characters and all I will need to do then is redraw the characters into a 3D program and create the 3D environments with the soundtrack. That will be hard work but at least the script is done and that gives me alot to work with now so half the battle is over. I realised that I really enjoy narrative animation better as I can express myself and my characters better without overdoing it.

Sunday 11 January 2009

Production Bible One

I am nearly finished my first production bible out of three and I am happy with the results. This production bible is based on a Folk or Fairytale. I had to develop a story that recodes the conventions of folk and fairytale storytelling. I chose to do it on Little Red Riding Hood. I created the story with the same characters but brought the story into the future and into the city. The characters live in the city and the local neighbourhood and the story is interesting and funny. The Wolf is still the bad guy and Little Red is still trying to get to her Grandmothers house.

Wednesday 31 December 2008

Taxonomies Complete

I forgot to mention in the previous blog that I have also exported and published the final presentation in .WMV (Windows Media Video) as well. So there will be a few different versions of the presentation to choose from. I have included a folder containing all the research and preparatory work used for the project, except I did delete most of it by accident. But I managed to recover alot of it so there will be something there to see. I have also finished my 500 word self evaluation report / rationale for my project.

Taxonomies Project Finished

I have finally just finished my taxonomies project and I am happy with it. I feel that my choice to do it on "Things To Love And Hate" and the topic being about fruit was the right choice to make. It gave me many ideas and allowed me to be more creative using the tools that I chose. The project was created in Flash and all the tiny bits of animation in it is what took so long. Every inch of animation was time consuming. The images were also created in Photoshop and exported out to Flash. The file dimensions according to the submission requirements have to be 720 x 576 in a .avi format and I have made it that. I have exported the taxonomies project into various formats such as: SWF, HTML + SWF, EXE (projector), and AVI. The film is exactly 2 minutes long according to Flash and I have timed it with the windows clock as well. I had alot of trouble importing sound into Flash and using it as it would not allow me to export or publish with that track. So after trying for many days to figure out what was wrong I decided to export and publish the project without the sound on the SWF, HTML + SWF and EXE versions. But luckily I was able to sort out the sound for the AVI finished film which is actually the most important format. The music was created by DJ Supreme who is a friend of mine and local DJ who graduated from Cardiff University with a degree in music. I was going to create the music myself as mentioned in the previous blog, but I was having alot of trouble with that and decided to get my track made from scratch from a professional.

Monday 22 December 2008

Taxonomies Final

I am finishing up with my taxonomies project and I am happy with my choice. Taxonomies is a classification of things into groups based on similarities of structure or origin etc. Basically another word for list or category. So my idea for my taxonomies project was to do "Things to love and hate" and I chose it to be about fruit. I don't like all kinds of fruit and since they are all very similar in structure and origin I thought that would be a great idea. I need to add audio to it so I am probably going to make my own soundtrack to it using my casio and other musical equipment I have at home. It's been a fun project to make and I look forward to seeing the final result. I have been creating and animating it in Flash which is why it's taking so long to finish, but the effects will be worth it.