Saturday 17 January 2009

Second Production Bible Finished

I have finished the second production bible called "Meerkat Mysteries" about a private detective. I am also halfway through my third and last production bible. I know that my weakness is drawing on paper and I just can't seem to improve and I am disappointed that I can't draw. But I am able to draw so much better using programs like Flash and Toon Boom. These software packages allow various ways to manipulate your drawings making them look better. I did alot of research and found out that many animators who can't draw on paper very well do fine in these programs. Draw a rough sketch and scan it into the software and draw it better from there. I feel so much more comfortable drawing that way. The only let down for me in these storyboards would be my drawing skills. But I am glad that I completed the storyboard assignments and can hand them in confident that I did them to the best of my ability. In my final storyboard for my final film I will put an extra 1000% into it and spend every moment perfecting it and making it more professional. At least now I have gained the experience of making storyboards but I do know that I need to improve in order to make it look more professional. It will accompany my final film so it has to be perfect. I am also hoping that my mistakes and /or weaknesses will be pointed out to me so that I can improve and change, focussing on getting better.

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