Wednesday 14 January 2009

Production Bibles

I have finished the first production bible and I am nearly finished the second one. I found the second production bible very interesting and fun to make. I love detective novels especially the narrative side of it. It took me a very long time but I finally finished my script for my detective production bible. I wrote it over and over until I was satisfied with the story and the ending. The story is not supposed to be funny and even though it will eventually be animated for my final film it does have a great story and ending. I have decided to use this production bible in my final project and just expand on it. We have the choice after we have done the three bibles to choose one that we could add onto and make into our final production bible and two minute film. I have already sourced the voices for my characters and all I will need to do then is redraw the characters into a 3D program and create the 3D environments with the soundtrack. That will be hard work but at least the script is done and that gives me alot to work with now so half the battle is over. I realised that I really enjoy narrative animation better as I can express myself and my characters better without overdoing it.

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