Wednesday 31 December 2008

Taxonomies Project Finished

I have finally just finished my taxonomies project and I am happy with it. I feel that my choice to do it on "Things To Love And Hate" and the topic being about fruit was the right choice to make. It gave me many ideas and allowed me to be more creative using the tools that I chose. The project was created in Flash and all the tiny bits of animation in it is what took so long. Every inch of animation was time consuming. The images were also created in Photoshop and exported out to Flash. The file dimensions according to the submission requirements have to be 720 x 576 in a .avi format and I have made it that. I have exported the taxonomies project into various formats such as: SWF, HTML + SWF, EXE (projector), and AVI. The film is exactly 2 minutes long according to Flash and I have timed it with the windows clock as well. I had alot of trouble importing sound into Flash and using it as it would not allow me to export or publish with that track. So after trying for many days to figure out what was wrong I decided to export and publish the project without the sound on the SWF, HTML + SWF and EXE versions. But luckily I was able to sort out the sound for the AVI finished film which is actually the most important format. The music was created by DJ Supreme who is a friend of mine and local DJ who graduated from Cardiff University with a degree in music. I was going to create the music myself as mentioned in the previous blog, but I was having alot of trouble with that and decided to get my track made from scratch from a professional.

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