Wednesday 7 May 2008

Learning Journal for MA Animation 2007/2008

This is my learning journal

Semester 1 and 2


I started this blog last year October 2007 but somehow my account was compromised and my blog was deleted. I don't know what happened but Blogspot somehow managed to remove my whole blog and everything that I had been adding to it. It was either them or someone else I don't know but I had to change my email address and my password to prevent this from happening again.

The assignments that I had completed in the first semester were, Drip Splat Boing, Lifedrawing, 50 Images, Timing Exercises and a 2500 word essay called "Realism in Animation", and a presentation of our work shown to the group which I couldn't complete as my disc was stuck in my pc and I couldn't remove it.

This second semester my assignments were, Group Film, a 5500 word essay called "The Media Reality" and The Body Exercises which I did in Flash. There will be an individual presentation again later on based on our experience of working in a group.

My role in the first project of the group film titled "Clayman's Crisis" was:

Photoshop Shot Compositor (aligning the stop motion shots with the 2D Pencils)

Board Builder (putting the new style boards together)

Tester (testing the board based animatic in Premiere)

Compositor’s Assistant (green screen removal and live action filming)

Original Clayman Model Creator

This project was cancelled and a new project was created called "Tooned In".

My role on this project remained the same as before and I worked in Photoshop changing all of the .png files to a higher resolution and removing the black off the computer screens and replacing it with a light blue. These .png files will be placed into Premier and added to the group film. The total amount of Photoshop files I worked on was 233. It took five days to complete and 7 hours a day. Each frame takes about 8 minutes to change and save.

I attended the filming which took place in room H1 on that Saturday with my group which included, Christian, Richard, Kieron and the Live Action Crew. Filming took all day from 9am to 5pm but I was only there for a short time as I was supposed to be the actress if the real actress didn't turn up. She did eventually and my role was finished but I stayed a while to watch and help out. The other work that I will be doing for "Tooned In" will be in Premier. I will be working with Paul if he needs any assistance.

The hand in date for the group film is May 8th before 4pm at AMD Desk.